The 31º Digital Business Congress of APDC – Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações (Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications) will take place in Lisbon between May 11 and 12 under the theme “Tech and Economics: The Way Forward” . On the afternoon of the 11th, CMU Portugal National Co-Director Inês Lynce will be part of the panel “Get Future Ready: Innovation Trends for Your Radar”.
The Conference will reflect on how economies can recover in the post-covid era and face the recent challenges placed by the war in Europe, fosusing on the impact of new technologies and their meaning for humanity.
The event will take place in a mixed format and will be live-streamed from the Amphitheater of the School of Dental Medicine from Universidade de Lisboa.
More at the APDC Conference website and lin to the registration form.